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What is your budgeting process like?

A. I use adaptive rolling budgets that integrate with my accounting software and make it very easy to generate reasonably accurate projections of revenues, expenses, and cash flows. This system helps to contain costs so that my company remains consistently competitive and profitable.
B. I do an annual operating budget using a spreadsheet, but I find myself guessing at a lot of the numbers. The entire exercise takes way too much time and/or doesn’t seem to do much good.
C. When I need to make a business decision I just do some quick research or guess at the pertinent numbers and then jot them down.
D. I don’t usually prepare budgets.
That’s great! Apgar CPA strives to achieve this level of service for all of our clients.
Many small businesses struggle to create and stick to realistic budgets, or they find that it just isn’t worth the time and effort to consistently update and fine-tune their existing budget. Apgar CPA can guide you through this process, and help you create and maintain meaningful, worthwhile budgets and forecasts.